Sunday, 31 October 2010

Sketchbook Task: The Sketchbox

A sketchbook where you not only sketch but also records smell. each box contains aroma emmiting items collected in four workshops in LCC. each smell made me imagine the enviroment from which it came.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Gastrotypographicalassemblage: Doughnut.

Doooohhhhhh. I like the fact Dorfsman uses the colour so that we are more encouraged to focuse on the form and structure of the Typo.

Gastrotypographicalassemblage: Sandwich

Even the way Dorfsman justified the text helps remind you of the actual food.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Gastrotypographicalassemblage: Lou Dorfsman and the CBS wall

Video that explains the idea and work process behind the significant peice.


Last Friday I went on a trip to the Kemistry Gallery where they exhibited Lou Dorfsman's work. This was an inspiring typographical experience. It was interesting to see how each typeface married a certaqin message or theme. It was also interesting to see how eache typeface's he used represented variouse foods and kitchen Utensils. Lucky I ate before I went there. heres there site:

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Raoul Hausmann: MechanicalHead

One of his most famouse work, also known as (The Spirit of Our Age). Although this image is realy graphic design i I couldnt help but notice the power and message this sculpture conveys. The wig making dummy attached to the variouse items could represent how the human mind works. the ruler on the left side of the dummy's head to me represents curiousity. the curiousity to learn how far one can go in situation, the urge to step the extra mile to increase knowledge. The image also highlights how we think very mathematicly. the sculpture reminds me of the poster he did for Metropolis.

Raoul Hausmann:ABCD (Self-portrait) A photomontage from 1923-24

An experimental photographic collage influenced by the avant garde during the world war I. I think the image of Raoul's face gives the image a sense of intensity. The variouse typ work as texture. I like the overlapping text and lines in the composition the typeface he chose remind of the ones found in old newspapers in the 1920's.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Image Workshop: Task 3 too

Another collage with three elements, the white space helps you focus more on the image.
Less is more at times.

Image Workshop: Task 3

Asleep on the compositon, for this task we made collages using 1-5 elements.
Collages are great way of communicating political or humorous subjects.

Image Workshop: Task 2

Here i traced 4 different structual relationships from the image of a leaf. This work was inspired by Bruno Munari (an Itallian artist and designer).
Its amazing how you can transform an image into many shapes and forms.

Image Workshop: Task 1.2

I tried drawing my pendant without looking at the paper. Looking at this image can make one think that it was the worst approach, was the most enlightening experience in drawing i've ever had.

Do you look at the handles of you bike whiles riding it?

I intend to do this Exercise for years to come, it may help me become a more of a confident illustrator.

Image Workshop: Task 1.1

Here i sketched my chain with pen in under 2 minutes.

Its funny how as a designer you tend to put in unnecessary detail, Notice how vein i draw the pendant and how much emphasis there is on the detail rather the scale and line.

This exercise will have been better if focused on the scale and proportion rather the shade and light. Makes me realise that i need to improve my time management.

Narrative Workshop: Task Three

Here I applied random heading with random images from a newspaper.

Noticed how the brain instantly tries to create a connection with the two elemnts for it to have meaning.

Here i put two very contrasting ones together. In this image i see paradox much like you would find in the world around us. Puting two contrasting elements can create quite a humourous message.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Narrative Workshop: Task Two

Here we worked indervidually to and used supplied newspapers to create sequences.

Here i followed the phrase Aspect to aspect. I really like the outcome for this because its interesting how I recorded the different attractive aspects of a beautifull women. I really the combination of colours in this image because of the simplicity of it.

Friday, 8 October 2010

419 Yahooze Fraud

I saw this work at the Bookarts Gallery in Shoreditch.
It realy stood out to me be cause i recognised the kind of style and where it comes from. Culturisticly i connected with this.
I love the way the Artist uses old traditional methods and mediums to communicate something modern.
I Cant help but to be remind of the constant stereotypes of nigerian males (Frauds).

I Need cards, Feed me.

I am new to the LCC College and I thought I should create something that would encourage a reaction from my peers.
Whats interesting is how i you can characterise descret subjects in your surroundings.